Come worship and fellowship with us!
What to expect
You can expect to be greeted warmly upon entering our doors. Everyone is welcome! We offer Bible classes for all ages as well as both staffed and unstaffed nursery facilities. Our worship services are quite unique. The two most distinctive aspects of our worship are our singing and weekly communion. We sing a cappella (without instrumental accompaniment) in an effort to reflect the simplicity of worship in the New Testament. We also observe the Lord's Supper each week in order to reaffirm our commitment to Christ and to one another as his church. We feel that both of these unique elements help keep our worship healthy and focused on God our Creator. When worship services are over, we will invite you to be our honored guest again. You are always welcome to join the journey of Christianity with us.
What is healthy worship?
Healthy worship is an encounter with God that blesses us and praises God for his work in Christ. It is Spirit-led and removes all judgment, egotism, arrogance, and pride from our sinful human hearts. There is no room for comparison and competition in true worship. Worship reminds us that we are God's creation and he is our Creator. Worship is when God says to us, "I Am" and "you are mine."
We are to draw strength from this Creator-creature relationship for each week's battles. Worship prepares us to go into the world to make disciples (Matthew 28:19-20), and to deal with the troubles of the world (John 16:33). Worship is also ethical since it defines our values, reminds us of who and whose we are, and calls us to a higher standard of living (1 Peter 1:13-16; 2:9-12).
Worship reminds us that we are not God and we don't set the agendas of our lives. So too, we don't set the agenda of worship. Granted, we are free to worship and express our love for God within the bounds set in Scripture. We are not locked into a rigid tradition but are free to experience true worship as reflected in the Bible. There is freedom in biblical worship. "Where the Spirit of the Lord is there is freedom" (2 Corinthians 3:17).
Each week we post our worship service here