
About Us


About Us

Who we are

We are a non-denominational fellowship of Christians from throughout the Philadelphia area. We believe that the Bible is the inspired word of God and we strive to live our lives by modeling its principles. Ministering to one another, fostering a sense of mission to the community and world, and maturing in our relationship with Jesus forms the foundation of our approach to ministry. We seek to witness to the glory of the gospel of Christ by being a vibrant fellowship of Christians who care for one another in practical ways.

Our family is full of people who believe that Jesus Christ is our sole source of salvation. It is only through him that we receive the promise of eternal life. That promise makes us more and more like Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. We want to bring God glory through worship, teaching and training one another, providing a nurturing and friendly family environment, and reflecting the presence of Christ in our lives.

What we believe

While we do not have a written creed, the following is a summary of our understanding of the Bible:

We believe in God, the Father Almighty, the Creator of heaven and earth. We believe in Jesus Christ, his only Son, our Lord.

We believe he sent his Holy Spirit to guide us into truth and enable us to live godly lives.

We believe his truth is expressed in his holy word, the Bible.

We believe that we are sinners and fall short of the glory of God and that sin separates us from the relationship that God intended us to enjoy with him.

We believe the Bible teaches that God has freely offered his grace and promised to redeem those who would come to him in faith.

We believe salvation for mankind, and reestablishment of relationship with God, has been made available to all men and women through the sacrifice of Jesus on the cross and through his resurrection from the dead.

We believe we participate in that resurrection through hearts that confess Jesus Christ as Lord and lives that submit to him in obedience characterized by faithfulness, baptism, weekly communion, daily spiritual renewal and service to others.

Salvation is by the grace of God, not by human works. To that end, we believe baptism is a crucial part of Christian conversion and transformation, and saves us when combined with faith, confession, and repentance. Baptism saves us by what God does in and through it, not by what we do. We simply entrust ourselves through faith in his power. In baptism, we do not "do"; or accomplish anything but receive everything. Our basic understanding of baptism involves two important aspects: 1) Baptism is God's work, not ours. 2) In baptism, we receive the permanent dwelling of the Holy Spirit which gradually transforms us into Christ-likeness.

God places in the church everyone who comes to Jesus in faith and sincerity. The church is the visible presence of Christ in the world which exists to worship God, serve one another, and extend the presence of Christ in the world. We believe every Christian is empowered by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit to live lives of service, sacrifice, and godliness. About eternity, we believe in the resurrection of both the saved and the lost: those that are saved unto the resurrection of life and those that are lost to eternal separation from God.

Why should I be involved?

We believe that each Christian plays a vital part in applying God's story to their own life. God wants us to be actively involved in his story by being actively involved in both church and community. Involvement is the application of our God-gifts and talents for the building up of the church (Ephesians 4:7-13).

By grace God saved us from a life of sin and death and brought us into a vibrant life in Christ (Ephesians 2:1-10). By giving each of us Spiritual gifts through Christ, God allows us to work with him as he constantly works in the church and in the community. We encourage our members to develop the gracious gifts of God as a response to his generosity. Our good works grow out of our faith and are the results of God's grace alone. We are not saved by works but by grace through faith.

The end result of involvement is the unity and the building up of the church. Unity is not uniformity. We believe that God uses different people with different talents in different ways. Just as our physical bodies are made up of many different parts, so too is Christ's body, the church (Romans 12:4-7). You will find a place for your talents at KoP. God made you for a purpose and you can begin to discover that purpose by being involved in our church's ministries. Join us as we partner with God!

Our mission

By the Grace of God and for his glory, our mission is to encourage and equip one another to grow in his love, to share his word, and to reflect the presence of Christ in our world.

Our Servants

Our Servants

Our servants


Mark Pagenkopf serves in the role of interim minister


Greg Hendrix serves along with his wife Kathy

Mark Pagenkopf serves along with his wife Vanessa

Daniel Kulp serves along with his wife Jennifer

Andrew Cooper serves along with his wife Jennifer


Jason Pearl leads foreign missions.


Dawn Bower is a licensed behavioral counselor and leads our professional counseling ministry.

Kathy Hendrix leads our children’s ministry.

Rebecca Hobbs leads our women's ministry.

Greg Rominger leads our building ministry.

Paul and Jackie Daniel lead our food insufficiency ministry.